Saturday, April 24, at 5pm Dr. John Piper will be at the Lagoa Library for the launch of his new book "The St. Petersburg Declaration". Books can be purchased and autographed at the venue.
Dr John Piper MB, BS, FRCS read Medicine at the University of London. Following postgraduate study in Surgery at the Royal Free Hospital, he worked as a consultant surgeon in hospitals in England until 1977, when, disillusioned by what he saw happening in the NHS, he took the post of visiting professor of surgery at the University of Shiraz in Iran. Following that he worked in hospitals in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Ladysmith Hospital, South Africa and in 1985 created a department of surgery in the new Manapo Hospital in the Black South African Homeland of Qwaqwa on the Lesotho border. He has published a previous novel,
Motherkillers, with Book Guild Publishing. He now lives in Portugal with his wife, Odete.